The DK brand under Daishi Group has reached a strategic partnership with World Fashion Week®.
Hangzhou, November 29, 2024 – DK brand, a key brand under Daishi Group, has officially signed a partnership agreement with World Fashion Week® in a ceremony held in Hangzhou. The aim of this collaboration is to promote DK’s fashion collections as a representation of China on the global fashion stage, further enhancing the international influence of Chinese fashion culture. At the same time, the DK brand will provide a platform that allows designers from across the country to join and showcase their talents.
签约仪式由代世集团董事长代勇先生、DK品牌总裁张笑瑜女士、比渡资本CEO何涞军先生与世界时装周总主席Paco De Jaimes先生共同出席并见证。仪式在热烈的掌声中圆满完成,标志着DK品牌与世界时装周的战略合作正式启动。此次合作Paco先生作为合作的桥梁,代勇先生将担任世界时装周的主席, 张笑瑜女士将担任时装周设计师主席,会重重的把关产品的设计和设计师的质量水平。何涞军先生会在中国各大城市发布世界时装周。
The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Dai Yong, Chairman of Daishi Group, Ms. Zhang Xiaoyu, President of DK brand, Mr. He Laijun, CEO of Bidu Capital, and Mr. Paco De Jaimes, President of World Fashion Week®. The ceremony was marked by warm applause, signifying the official launch of the strategic partnership between DK brand and World Fashion Week®. In this collaboration, Mr. Paco will serve as the bridge for the partnership. Mr. Dai Yong will act as the Chairman of the World Fashion Week®, while Ms. Zhang Xiaoyu will serve as the designer chairperson for the World Fashion Week® Designers, ensuring strict oversight of both product design and the quality level of the designers. Mr. He Laijun will be responsible for launching World Fashion Week® in major cities across China.
The ceremony began with speeches from the four signatories, who shared their goals and visions for the future of their collaboration. Mr. Dai Yong stated, “The cooperation between DK brand and World Fashion Week® will inject new vitality into China’s fashion industry and help Chinese brands expand globally, it will allow designers from across the country to join the DK platform and showcase their value..” Ms. Zhang Xiaoyu emphasized the importance of this partnership for DK’s international development, calling it a significant step towards making DK a prominent global fashion brand. Mr. He Laijun stated that this collaboration will accelerate the internationalization of Chinese fashion brands and will also open up international markets.
随后,代勇先生、张笑瑜女士、何涞军先生与Paco De Jaimes先生共同签署了合作协议,正式确定了双方的合作框架与未来的行动计划。签约后,现场气氛热烈,嘉宾们共同庆祝这一具有历史意义的时刻。此次战略合作后,DK将为全国设计师提供一个全新的平台,旨在帮助设计师展示才华并拓展创作空间。通过该平台,来自全国各地的设计师将能够入驻并充分发挥各自的专业特长,为行业注入更多创新力量。这一举措不仅推动了设计师的发展,也为行业带来了新的机遇。
Following the speeches, Mr. Dai Yong, Ms. Zhang Xiaoyu, Mr. He Laijun, and Mr. Paco De Jaimes signed the cooperation agreement, formally establishing the partnership framework and outlining the next steps for their collaboration. After the signing, the atmosphere in the venue was filled with excitement as guests celebrated this historic moment. After this strategic partnership, DK will provide a brand-new platform for designers across the country, aiming to help them showcase their talents and expand their creative space. Through this platform, designers from all regions will be able to join and fully utilize their professional expertise, injecting more innovation into the industry. This initiative not only promotes the development of designers but also brings new opportunities to the industry.
此次签约将为DK品牌打开更多国际市场的机会,同时也为中国时尚产业的国际化发展注入了新的动力。通过这次与世界时装周的战略合作, 将会把各个国家的设计师都将入驻到DK品牌。未来,DK品牌将继续秉持创新与品质并行的理念,致力于打造具有全球影响力的时尚品牌。
This collaboration will open up new opportunities for DK to enter international markets, while injecting fresh momentum into the global expansion of Chinese fashion. Through this strategic partnership with World Fashion Week®, designers from various countries will join the DK brand.. Moving forward, DK will continue to uphold its commitment to innovation and quality, aiming to build a globally influential fashion brand.
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